I had a great time this weekend, although friday was a really rough day. I got some more bad news and finally all of the emotions that I had been feeling during the week came out as tears. I cried the entire way home from work, composed myself for about 2 minutes and cried when I picked up Amaya. Luckily I have the sweetest girl ever and she gave me a giant hug and then told me she was gonna take extra care of me this weekend. Awwww. When I got home, I decided that I really needed to clear my head and seeing how I'm still injured I thought a swim would be great.
I dug out a swim workout from the end of TNT season last year. I figured that if I pushed myself really hard, then I wouldn't have time to think about everything else going on in my life. Boy, was I right. I started with a 200 warm-up. Then I did 6 X 50 sprints with :15 second rest. Followed that by 100 with :15 rest. 200, :20 rest. 300, :30 rest. 50 easy. Repeat that set again. 6 X 50 drills. 100 cool down. It felt good. My head was clear. My arms were tired. It was exactly what I needed to start the weekend.
Saturday morning I met my friend at the gym. We did 10 minutes bike, 20 eliptical and then I did 10 or so minutes of weights. My hip is still giving me trouble, so I am trying to take it extra easy and really listen to my body. Spent the rest of the day with Amaya playing and painting water color pictures and watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Super cute movie and Amaya loved it. After that, I picked up my sister and we went to dinner to get her pumped up for the inaugural bull ride. We drove to Duke's (a country bar) and Tina began downing the liquid courage. Once she was ready, she hopped up on the bull and rode like an NFR champion. After a few more people had gone, I decided that I would join the ranks of the brave and have a go at the bull. It was actually fun and I'd even go as far to say that I would do it again. Who knew that I would ever have the confidence to do something like that. Sober even!
Sunday I picked up the house a little and took Amaya to the ballet. We went to see Midsummer's Night Dream. It was amazing, although it didn't end so well. About halfway through the second act, there was a power outage and the entire block was out. They ended up cancelling the rest of the performance due to safety issues. It was sad, but Amaya and I still had a great time. We went home and I decided that I would make some lasagna. It's a bribe really. I want to trade home-cooked meals for personal training. I think it's pretty fair. I even offered to clean someone's house. We'll see if it pans out.
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